ILO’s Year End Address

Dear ILO Families and Friends, As we enter the holiday season of 2018, ILO is very excited to share new developments in our organization—most of which have come about as a result of our work with self-advocates, feedback from our families, and a growing interest in...

Can Living Situations of Individuals with Disabilities Affect their Ability to Receive Services? New Report Says Yes

As an individual with a disability, can where you live have a substantial effect on the types of services you receive? Common sense would say no, but a new report suggests otherwise. According to a new study, Understanding Service Usage and Needs for Adults with ASD:...

Help ILO Grow Through Social Media

In the last five years, ILO has grown by leaps and bounds. In that time, we have helped many self-advocates transition from living with family/caregivers to living in their own home. We create supportive and supported communities in which our self advocates can live...

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