ILO Insights
With Gratitude!

Maedi Tanham Carney
Founder & Executive Director, ILO
We are thankful . . .
- For ILO families who work together to build communities of support for those we love.
- For young adults who are doing their very best to overcome challenges beyond their control, persevere to become the best people they can be, and make a few friends along the way.
- For staff who go above and beyond to make sure everyone stays safe, feels included, and that each self-advocate is engaged in living a good life.
- For supporters who believe in ILO, ILO’s vision, and in the young people with developmental disabilities that ILO is so proud to support.
Thank you!

ILO Presents
Two Upcoming Special Events
To register, go to: www.ilonow.org/zoom-7keys
To register, go to: www.ilonow.org/zoom-panel

Can We Assist YOU?
During this ‘new normal’ ILO is here to help YOUR family and SELF-ADVOCATE in every way possible.
- Overwhelmed and don’t know where to go for assistance?
- Lost your support (day programs, etc.), and need alternatives?
- Running out of ideas for dealing with social isolation?
ILO is here to help! Please reach out to me directly: Maedi Tanham Carney, ILO Executive Director at maedi@ilonow.org.
Be sure to check out our latest videos:
The Perfect Equation – ILO.
Designed to help motivate real estate developers in considering ILO self-advocates as potential and worthy tenants.
The footage provides a good understanding of the role ILO plays in ensuring success for adults with developmental disabilities who are transitioning to independent living with the support of an ILO community.
AND . . .
ILO: From Fear to Confidence
ILO’s focus on assessment and training and its ongoing support and personal connections actively builds the kind of community relationships that our residents and families need to ensure long-term stability, resilience, and success in everyday life. View the Video
Community Builders – Leading the Way to Independent Living
ILO staff members, called Community Builders, mentor and coach ILO self-advocates with intellectual and developmental disabilities. ILO’s Community Builders lead activities that improve emotional and physical health and nurture and support them through all aspects of building a full, happy, and productive life. View the Video
New! A Guide to Building Independent Lives – ILO’s Skills Inventory
ILO uses the My Full Life™ Skills Inventory developed by the Center for Independent Futures ®. It is a comprehensive online platform designed to create a baseline and to support life skills development for adults with disabilities. View the Video.
Putting the Pieces Together – Transition to Independent Living the ILO Way
Putting all the pieces together the right way takes guidance. ILO is the guide, and the partner, families of adults with disabilities count on. ILO collaborates with its member families to plan, manage, and facilitate the transition. View the Video.

Current FOCUS
Please Invite MD Employees You Know to
Choose ILO
October 4 – December 14
Who do you know? Social workers? State police? Administrative employees? Park employees? Highway workers? College employees? Security officers? IT pros? So many others!
Activities for ILO Self-Advocates
FREE Virtual Yoga Through the End of the Year
ILO is offering ALL self-advocates* FREE access to:

Virtual Yoga
Who: Create Calm Instructors
When: Every Sunday through December
What Time: 1:30-2:15 pm
How: Zoom (See the Calendar for more information)
*Your family must be a participating family or a member of the ILO Community Group www.ilonow.org/ilo-community-group

In the Know
ILO’s Social Media ConnectionsFacebook: ilonow.orgFacebook Group: groups/121928385139416Twitter: info_iloInstagram: integratedlivingopportunitiesLinkedIn: company/integrated-living-opportunities |
We Need Your Help Now! Will You Help Support ILO?
The services that we provide to our self-advocates are largely funded by fundraising events, and by donations. During this time we are not able to hold these events. Please consider a donation to help us continue providing support!
The CARE Act permits eligible individual taxpayers who do not itemize deductions to take an above-the-line deduction of up to $300 for qualified charitable contributions made during such taxable year, except for contributions to a
non-operating private foundation or to a donor advised fund.